Think you know the best states for Booner bucks? You may want to refresh your information data base, especially if a big buck is your goal. Aside from being a collection of fun facts, the information in this Realtree article can be an important planning tool.

Every deer hunter dreams of taking that truly giant buck, yet that probably won’t happen if you hunt areas of traditional inferior antler quality. Josh Honeycutt lays it all out for you.

They’re like fat bank accounts and fast cars. Everyone wants one. And while it isn’t realistic to think everyone will have the opportunity to kill one, it doesn’t hurt to try. That dream of killing a 170-plus-inch buck is what keeps many people awake at night. And I don’t see anything wrong with that.


So, if you’re among that group of people, we’ve put together a tidbit of information that can hopefully get you started down the right path. Everyone puts out lists of the top Boone & Crocket states every year, but rarely do they think about the here and now. We are, and thanks to Boone & Crockett’s record keeping, we’ve compiled data that’s relevant to today’s hunter, not those who hunted 75 years ago.

Here is the top 10 Booner states for deer hunting since 2010. Look at how those numbers stack up to the historical figures, and then set your hunt plans in motion.

It isn’t too late to begin the journey for that monster buck this fall… [continued]

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