Look out Crocodile Dundee! Crocs are one of the most dangerous water predators; they can grow to the size of pleasure boats in Central Africa and Northern Australia. These creatures are capable of devouring a human in a single strike and often catch their prey unexpectedly as it drinks from or lingers by the water’s edge. Even still, the largest reported crocodile of today is no match for the prehistoric monster that was recently uncovered.

Paleontologists searching far and wide in Tunisia made a discovery of massive proportions: the world’s largest sea-dwelling crocodile, previously unknown to science.  This prehistoric crocodile is believed to have measured more than 30 feet long and weighed three tons. The skull alone is more than five feet long. Researchers named the new species the Machimosaurus rex and described their findings this week in the journal Cretaceous Research.

“Massive” is how lead author Federico Fanti of the University of Bologna described the crocodile. “It’s just big. It’s almost the size of a bus.” … [continued]

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