Now, I’ve eaten many different foods over the course of my lifetime. Some were a bit unusual, and they tasted that way as well. But this one would certainly give most people pause.

Outdoor Life has an unique recipe for elk tongue tacos. The thought of eating tongue might turn some people off, but you might be surprised how good it is. Check it out.

People tend to shy away from tongues because when you look at a tongue it doesn’t look edible. It doesn’t look like a piece of meat; most people certainly aren’t aware that you have to skin a tongue before you use it. The outer layer of skin can be peeled off to reveal that the tongue is just one big piece of muscle. In order to skin a tongue you need to simmer it in lightly salted water for a while. The time depends on how large the tongue is. A buffalo tongue might need to simmer for 2 hours where a deer tongue may only need 1 hour. You will know when it has simmered long enough when the skin peels off easily… [continued]

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