Sometimes I hear people complain how their game meat tastes. I’ve never experienced this problem, but should I ever fail to take proper care of the animal, I’m sure I will.

Big bucks have a reputation of having a gamey taste, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Even the biggest buck can taste like a tender doe if handled properly. But a tender doe can just as easily taste gamey if not handled properly.

Field & Stream has five reasons your game meat might be gamey, and how you can prevent it.

The most common question I—or anyone in the business of educating the public about eating wild game—get is, “how do I get the gamey taste out of my meat?” Scott Leysath, the Sporting Chef, has the best response: “Don’t put it in there in the first place.” To that I’ll add the following five reasons your game meat tastes gamey… [continued]

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