Hunters don’t think of crow as being an edible bird to eat.

They have a bad reputation for being dumpster divers, and that is true for many birds. But where you hunt crows, do you see a lot of dumpsters around?

Many times crows can be found eating leftover grains from farm fields and other wild fruits.

Just the thought of eating crow turns people off, but if made properly, it’s quite good.

I’ve had crow prepared two different ways. One I liked, and the other not so much. Like any other wild animal, it has to be prepared correctly to taste okay.

Here is a tried and true recipe from Outdoor Life for Crow Pie.

Early this fall, OL’s Content Editor, Alex Robinson, spent some time in Southern Minnesota hunting crows. When he returned from the field, he handed off three dressed breasts to me and said, “I dare you to make these taste good.” … [continued]

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Photo: Krissie Mason